A great thrill today to see many great men and women graduate from West Point, including a bunch of the academy’s outstanding athletes that I’ve covered over the last few years. 1,031 cadets were commissioned officers today at the U.S. Military Academy’s historic Michie Stadium following a speech from the highest ranking uniformed officer in the U.S. military, Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Army Athletic Association trophy winner Jeremy Boltus (lacrosse) salutes Admiral Mike Mullen. (Danny Wild/USMA)
- One of the most decorated players in Army football history, Josh McNary, the program’s all-time sack leader, recieves his diploma from Brig. General William E. Rapp. (Danny Wild/USMA)
- Matt Campbell, Army’s kickoff specialist (left) catches up with punter Jonathan Bulls (center) and captain Carson Homme. (Danny Wild/USMA)
- Army hockey’s Drew Pierson. (Danny Wild/USMA)
- Army football quarterback Chip Bowden. (Danny Wild/USMA)
- Army football’s Sean Westphal. (Danny Wild/USMA)
- Army hockey’s Chris Spracklen. (Danny Wild/USMA)
- Army football lineman Seth Reed smiles after receiving his diploma. (Danny Wild/USMA)

Congrats again to all! More photos here.